Hello, my name is Fred Guerrero. I am a cyber security professional, but for years I have enjoyed graphic design. So in my little spare time, I have been teaching myself how to create and design using adobe products. When I go back and look at what my first graphic image was to what I am able to do now I know that it was worth it. This has not been an easy task but it has been fun.
I have now decided to go a little further into this hobby and offer my services to others that enjoy seeing their ideas represented graphically on the web. So I have created this portfolio with the help of Adobe to showcase what I can do for you.
The best part of this endeavor will be continuing to learn and a few years down the road take a look at my images and once again say how much better I have become at this hobby.
Cyber Security Expert, Web/Graphic Designer, Sports Video Gamer. Just an all-around geek.
E-Mail: Albidnis@web3ks.com
Paypal: paypal.me/FGuerreroJr